Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Wiggle That Jiggle Away

My birthday is not far off and I will be turning 44!! ARGH and these days I tend to frown on getting older. *I STILL WANT GIFTS THOUGH ;) A few more lines mysteriously appear overnight, then there the gray hair appear (which I am blessed not to have one yet!) Phew :)

Also, we get the issue of the unwanted visitor around our midriff! Like who invited them to camp out there?  My lady hormones agreed to it and maybe my sweet affection for all delicious treats has added to it, too!

Ladies and Gents, we all get into that slump mode from time to time and those times can last for minutes, days, even weeks! It mounts up, and then snap.... We've stepped on yet another stray Lego or pointy tiara or stubbed a toe or when our little ones/teenagers have pushed our patience to the limits (hubby's, wives, family members, PMS included) that's when we reach for the salty or sweet comforts we all know and love and afterwards we tend to feel glumpy blumpy!
(The word glumpy comes from a writing buddy of mine, I think it's a great word. Check out his writing HERE)

I know I do! 

Walking Seren to school everyday looking at the beautiful  rusty reds, mustard yellows, rich orange colors of the autumn leaves, the brisk cool breeze and the scurrying squirrels with acorns in their mouths has helped sweep away the cobwebs away. I have also noticed a little decrease of my thighs, but those unwelcome campers settlers around my midriff / booty are rather stubborn.

Now, I'm not wanting to that size 0 or even a US 4, I just want to be healthier and firm up my well past post pregnancy grand canyon sized stretch marked belly.  

I'd found a YouTube video of this full of energy mother, named Jessica Byrge  at home, with her little ones making appearances as Jessica shook her booty to the latest music. So, taking the bulls by its horns - metaphorically speaking and to shake off that glumpy blumpy feeling, I stepped into action. After dropping Seren off at school today, I turned my laptop on and Wiggled that Jiggle away with dance fitness with Jessica

Let's say I had a lot of fun doing this dance workout and even my little 2 year old, Carys joined in. What about those nuisance campers around my midriff and booty, you ask? Well, they certainly got wiggled and hopefully plenty more days of jiggles will soon wiggle those unseemly squatters away :)

Check  Jessica and her cute kids shaking  along to, All about that Bass on YOUTUBE. 
(I have not been approached by Jessica to promote her dance dvd. I just think she is an inspiration to us stay at home parents, etc. That we can dance away those blues)  

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