Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Fall Fun.

Today's walk was a stop and go walk.
With the weather was a beautiful typical fall day, trees  swaying in the gentle breeze, their branches giving up their orange and yellow leaves to the grass below, the sun shinning  rightly, blue skies with, wisps of cotton candy clouds floating by. And the sweet smell of freshly cut grass...just heavenly. 
Carys  slept for most of our walk, but Seren wanted to stop and play at every playground! Hence our 'stop and go walk.'
Seren had fun being 'abventurous' as she says it...lol  climbing and swinging at the playgrounds.
Later on, when Carys had woken from her nap, we headed back outside to enjoy the cooler part of  the evening.
Carys loved playing in the crisp autumn leaves on the ground, giggling as she threw them up in the air and then floated down onto her nose...also throwing the ball and chasing after it was a big delight for her
All in all a lovely day :-)

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